House Committee on Post Audit and Oversight #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and meeting schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Post Audit and Oversight (established under Section 63 of Chapter 3 of the General Laws) to oversee the development and implementation of legislative auditing programs conducted by the Legislative Post Audit and Oversight Bureau with particular emphasis on performance auditing” (committee website).
“The committees shall oversee the development and implementation of legislative auditing programs to be conducted by the bureaus with special emphasis on performance auditing. The committees receive the reports of the department of the state auditor and the legislative auditors and shall determine what remedial measures, if any, are necessary. The committees shall have the power to summon witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony and compel the production of books, papers, documents and other evidence in connection with any authorized examination and review. If the committees shall deem special studies or investigations to be necessary, they may direct their legislative auditors to undertake such studies or investigations. The committees shall report to their respective branches, from time to time, with recommendations for legislative action based on their review of the reports of the department of the state auditor or on the findings and recommendations of the legislative auditors. The committees may report to any joint standing committee of the general court findings and recommendations affecting matters before such committees” (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 3, Section 63).
Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight #
Website #
Membership; bills in committee; and meeting schedule and webcasts available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight to consider all matters concerning competitive bidding on public contracts, public construction, open meeting laws, state regulations, state agencies, lobbyists’ reporting laws and such other matters as may be referred” (committee website).
Senate Committee on Post Audit and Oversight #
Website #
Membership, bills in committee, and meeting schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“It shall be the duty of the committee on Post Audit and Oversight (established under Section 63 of Chapter 3 of the General Laws) to oversee the development and implementation of legislative auditing programs conducted by the Legislative Post Audit and Oversight Bureau with particular emphasis on performance auditing” (committee website).
“The committees shall oversee the development and implementation of legislative auditing programs to be conducted by the bureaus with special emphasis on performance auditing. The committees receive the reports of the department of the state auditor and the legislative auditors and shall determine what remedial measures, if any, are necessary. The committees shall have the power to summon witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony and compel the production of books, papers, documents and other evidence in connection with any authorized examination and review. If the committees shall deem special studies or investigations to be necessary, they may direct their legislative auditors to undertake such studies or investigations. The committees shall report to their respective branches, from time to time, with recommendations for legislative action based on their review of the reports of the department of the state auditor or on the findings and recommendations of the legislative auditors. The committees may report to any joint standing committee of the general court findings and recommendations affecting matters before such committees” (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 3 Section 63).