Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Commission shall have the following powers:
- “To conduct program evaluation studies of the various components of State agency activity as they relate to:
- “a. Service benefits of each program relative to expenditures;
- “b. Achievement of program goals;
- “c. Use of indicators by which the success or failure of a program may be gauged; and
- “d. Conformity with legislative intent.
- “a. Service benefits of each program relative to expenditures;
- “To study legislation which would result in new programs with statewide implications for feasibility and need. These studies may be jointly conducted with the Fiscal Research Division of the Legislative Services Commission.
- “To study on a continuing basis the implementation of State government reorganization with respect to:
- “a. Improvements in administrative structure, practices and procedures;
- “b. The relative effectiveness of centralization and decentralization of management decisions for agency operation;
- “c. Opportunities for effective citizen participation; and
- “d. Broadening of career opportunities for professional staff.
- “a. Improvements in administrative structure, practices and procedures;
- “To make such studies and reports of the operations and functions of State government as it deems appropriate or upon petition by resolution of either the Senate or the House of Representatives.
- “To produce routine written reports of findings for general legislative and public distribution. Special attention shall be given to the presentation of findings to the appropriate committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives. If findings arrived at during a study have a potential impact on either the finance or appropriations deliberations, such findings shall immediately be presented to the committees. Such reports shall contain recommendations for appropriate executive action and when legislation is considered necessary to effect change, draft legislation for that purpose may be included. Such reports as are submitted shall include but not be limited to the following matters:
- “a. Ways in which the agencies may operate more economically and efficiently;
- “b. Ways in which agencies can provide better services to the State and to the people; and
- “c. Areas in which functions of State agencies are duplicative, overlapping, or failing to accomplish legislative objectives, or for any other reason should be redefined or redistributed.
- “a. Ways in which the agencies may operate more economically and efficiently;
- “To devise a system, in cooperation with the Fiscal Research Division of the Legislative Services Commission, whereby all new programs authorized by the General Assembly incorporate an evaluation component. The results of such evaluations may be made to the Appropriations Committees at the beginning of each regular session.
- “To evaluate and approve or deny requests from the Department of Transportation regarding the funding of federally eligible construction projects as provided in the fourth paragraph of G.S. 136-44.2.
- “The Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations shall be consulted by the Governor before the Governor does any of the following:
- “a. Repealed by Session Laws 2007-117, s. 2, effective July 1, 2007.
- “b. Authorizes expenditures in excess of the total requirements of a purpose or program as enacted by the General Assembly and as provided by G.S. 143C-6-4.
- “c. Proceeds to reduce programs subsequent to a reduction of ten percent (10%) or more in the federal fund level certified to a department and any subsequent changes in distribution formulas.
- “d. Takes extraordinary measures under Article III, Section 5(3) of the Constitution to effect necessary economies in State expenditures required for balancing the budget due to a revenue shortfall, including, but not limited to, the following: loans among funds, personnel freezes or layoffs, capital project reversions, program eliminations, and use of reserves. However, if the Committee fails to meet within 10 calendar days of a request by the Governor for its consultation, the Governor may proceed to take the actions he feels are appropriate and necessary and shall then report those actions at the next meeting of the Commission.
- “e. Approves a new capital improvement project funded from gifts, grants, receipts, special funds, self-liquidating indebtedness, and other funds or any combination of funds for the project not specifically authorized by the General Assembly. The budget for each capital project must include projected revenues in an amount not less than projected expenditures” (NC Gen Stat § 120-76 (2021)).
- “a. Repealed by Session Laws 2007-117, s. 2, effective July 1, 2007.
Authority regarding the North Carolina Utilities Commission and seafood and agriculture can be found here.
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Administrative Procedure #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
- “To review rules to which the Rules Review Commission has objected to determine if statutory changes are needed to enable the agency to fulfill the intent of the General Assembly.
- “To receive reports prepared by the Rules Review Commission containing the text and a summary of each rule approved by the Commission.
- “Repealed by Session Laws 2009-125, s. 1, effective October 1, 2009.
- “(3a) To review the activities of State occupational licensing boards to determine if the boards are operating in accordance with statutory requirements and if the boards are still necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were created. This review shall not include decisions concerning board personnel matters or determinations on individual licensing applications or individual disciplinary actions.
- “(3a) To review the activities of State occupational licensing boards to determine if the boards are operating in accordance with statutory requirements and if the boards are still necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were created. This review shall not include decisions concerning board personnel matters or determinations on individual licensing applications or individual disciplinary actions.
- “To review State regulatory programs to determine if the programs overlap, have conflicting goals, or could be simplified and still achieve the purpose of the regulation.
- “To review existing rules to determine if the rules are necessary or if the rules can be streamlined.
- “To review the rule-making process to determine if the procedures for adopting rules give the public adequate notice of and information about proposed rules.
- “To review any other concerns about administrative law to determine if statutory changes are needed.
- “To report to the General Assembly from time to time concerning the Committee’s activities and any recommendations for statutory changes” (NC Gen Stat § 120-70.101 (2021)).
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Economic Development and Global Engagement #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) The Joint Legislative Economic Development and Global Engagement Oversight Committee shall examine, on a continuing basis, economic development and global engagement issues and strategies in North Carolina in order to make ongoing recommendations to the General Assembly on ways to promote cost-effective economic development initiatives, economic growth, and stimulating job creation in the global economy. In this examination, the Committee may:
- “Study the budgets, programs, and policies of the Department of Commerce, the North Carolina Partnership for Economic Development, and other State, regional, and local entities involved in economic development.
- “Analyze legislation from other states regarding economic development.
- “Analyze proposals produced by the Economic Development Board.
- “(3a) Request the Department of Commerce to provide an annual report by January 15 of each year on the effectiveness of the following economic development programs:
- “a. Job Development Investment Grant Program (JDIG).
- “b. One North Carolina.
- “c. Article 3J Credits.
- “d. Job Maintenance and Capital Development Fund (JMAC).
- “a. Job Development Investment Grant Program (JDIG).
- “(3a) Request the Department of Commerce to provide an annual report by January 15 of each year on the effectiveness of the following economic development programs:
- “Analyze North Carolina’s current international activity in the business, State government, and education sectors.
- “Analyze barriers to international trade that may be addressed by legislation.
- “Explore ways to increase coordination, synchronization, and intercommunication between State and local governmental entities.
- “Collect and analyze data on global business trends.
- “Study foreign representation opportunities for North Carolina that could solicit, target, educate, and recruit international businesses to North Carolina.
- “Analyze incentives designed to encourage small businesses to export goods and service solutions.
- “Study methods for positioning North Carolina as a portal to North America for international trade.
- “Explore opportunities to increase foreign direct investment in North Carolina.
- “Study any other matters that the Committee considers necessary to fulfill its mandate.
“(b) The Committee may make interim reports to the General Assembly on matters for which it may report to a regular session of the General Assembly. A report to the General Assembly may contain any legislation needed to implement a recommendation of the Committee” (NC Gen Stat § 120-70.131 (2021)).
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Education #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) The Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee shall examine, on a continuing basis, the several educational institutions in North Carolina, in order to make ongoing recommendations to the General Assembly on ways to improve public education from kindergarten through higher education. In this examination, the Committee may:
- “Study the budgets, programs, and policies of the Department of Public Instruction, the State Board of Education, the Community Colleges System Office, the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina, and the constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina to determine ways in which the General Assembly may encourage the improvement of all education provided to North Carolinians and may aid in the development of more integrated methods of institutional accountability;
- “Repealed by Session Laws 2017-126, s. 16, effective July 20, 2017.
- “Study other states’ educational initiatives in public schools, community colleges, and public universities, in order to provide an ongoing commentary to the General Assembly on these initiatives and to make recommendations for implementing similar initiatives in North Carolina; and
- “Study any other educational matters that the Committee considers necessary to fulfill its mandate.
- “Study the needs of children and youth. This study may include, but is not limited to:
- “a. Developing strategies for addressing the issues of school dropout, teen suicide, and adolescent pregnancy.
- “b. Identifying and evaluating the impact on children and youth of other economic and environmental issues.
- “a. Developing strategies for addressing the issues of school dropout, teen suicide, and adolescent pregnancy.
“(b) The Committee may make interim reports to the General Assembly on matters for which it may report to a regular session of the General Assembly. A report to the General Assembly may contain any legislation needed to implement a recommendation of the Committee” (NC Gen Stat § 120-70.81 (2021)).
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Elections #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) The Joint Legislative Elections Oversight Committee shall examine, on a continuing basis, election administration and campaign finance regulation in North Carolina, in order to make ongoing recommendations to the General Assembly on ways to improve elections administration and campaign finance regulation. In this examination, the Committee shall do the following:
- “(1) Study the budgets, programs, and policies of the State Board of Elections and the county boards of elections to determine ways in which the General Assembly may improve election administration.
- “(1a) Study the budgets, programs, and policies of the State Board of Elections and the county boards of elections to determine ways in which the General Assembly may improve campaign finance regulation.
- “(1a) Study the budgets, programs, and policies of the State Board of Elections and the county boards of elections to determine ways in which the General Assembly may improve campaign finance regulation.
- “(2) Examine election statutes and court decisions to determine any legislative changes that are needed to improve election administration and campaign finance regulation
- “(3) Study other states’ initiatives in election administration and campaign finance regulation to provide an ongoing commentary to the General Assembly on these initiatives and to make recommendations for implementing similar initiatives in North Carolina; and
- “(4) Study any other election matters that the Committee considers necessary to fulfill its mandate.
“(b) The Committee may make interim reports to the General Assembly on matters for which it may report to a regular session of the General Assembly. A report to the General Assembly may contain any legislation needed to implement a recommendation of the Committee” (NC Gen Stat § 120-70.141 (2021)).
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Emergency Management #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) The Joint Legislative Emergency Management Oversight Committee shall examine, on a continuing basis, issues related to emergency management in North Carolina in order to make ongoing recommendations to the General Assembly on ways to promote effective emergency preparedness, management, response, and recovery. The Committee may examine:
- “Whether the State building code sufficiently addresses issues related to commercial and residential construction in hurricane and flood prone areas.
- “The public health infrastructure in place to respond to natural and nonnatural disasters.
- “Hurricane preparedness, evacuation, and response.
- “Energy security issues.
- “Terrorism preparedness and response, including bioterrorism.
- “Flood and natural disaster preparation and response.
- “Any other topic the Committee believes is related to its purpose.
“(b) The Committee may make interim reports to the General Assembly on matters for which it may report to a regular session of the General Assembly. A report to the General Assembly may contain any legislation needed to implement a recommendation of the Committee” (NC Gen Stat § 120-70.151 (2021)).
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Agriculture and Natural and Economic Resources #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Agriculture and Natural and Economic Resources shall examine on a continuing basis the services provided by the departments and agencies set out in this subsection in order to make ongoing recommendations to the General Assembly on ways to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of State government services. The Committee has the following powers and duties:
- “Study the programs, organization, operations, and policies of the following agencies:
- “a. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
- “b. Department of Environmental Quality.
- “c. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.
- “d. Wildlife Resources Commission.
- “e. Department of Labor.
- “f. Department of Commerce.
- “g. Any other agency under the jurisdiction of the Senate and House of Representatives appropriations committees on agriculture, natural, or economic resources.
- “a. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
- “Review compliance of budget actions directed by the General Assembly.
- “Monitor expenditures, deviations, and changes made by the agencies set out in subdivision (1) of this subsection to the certified budget.
- “Review policy changes as directed by law.
- “Receive presentations of reports from agencies directed in the law, including audits, studies, and other reports.
- “Review any issues that arise during the interim period between sessions of the General Assembly and provide a venue for any of these issues to be heard in a public setting.
- “Monitor the quality of services provided by cultural, natural, and economic resources agencies to other agencies and the public.
- “Identify opportunities for cultural, natural, and economic resources agencies to coordinate and collaborate to eliminate duplicative functions.
- “Have presentations and reports on any other matters that the Committee considers necessary to fulfill its mandate.
“(b) The Committee may make reports to the General Assembly. A report to the General Assembly may contain legislation needed to implement a recommendation of the Committee” (NC Gen Stat § 120-311 (2021)).
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Capital Improvements #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Capital Improvements shall have the power to do all of the following:
- “Examine, on a continuing basis, capital improvements requested by, authorized for, and undertaken by or on behalf of State agencies.
- “Have oversight over implementation of the six-year capital improvements plan developed pursuant to G.S. 143C-8-5.
- “Make recommendations to the General Assembly on ways to improve the planning, financing, design, construction, and maintenance of State capital improvements.
- “Make reports and recommendations to the General Assembly regarding which capital improvements requested by State agencies should be authorized and how they should be funded.
- “Examine any other topic the Committee believes to be related to its purpose” (NC Gen Stat § 120-262 (2021)).
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on General Government #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on General Government shall examine on a continuing basis the services provided by the departments and agencies set out in this subsection in order to make ongoing recommendations to the General Assembly on ways to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of State government services. The Committee has the following powers and duties:
- “Study the programs, organization, operations, and policies of the following agencies:
- “a. Department of Administration.
- “b. Department of State Auditor.
- “c. Repealed by Session Laws 2015-241, s. 14.30(tt), effective July 1, 2015.
- “d. Governor’s Office.
- “e. Housing Finance Agency.
- “f. Department of Insurance.
- “g. Lieutenant Governor’s Office.
- “h. Office of Administrative Hearings.
- “i. Office of State Human Resources.
- “j. Department of Revenue.
- “k. Department of Secretary of State.
- “l. State Board of Elections.
- “m. Office of State Budget and Management.
- “n. Office of State Controller.
- “o. State Ethics Commission.
- “p. Department of State Treasurer.
- “q. General Assembly.
- “r. Any other agency under the jurisdiction of the Senate and House of Representatives appropriations subcommittees on general government.
- “a. Department of Administration.
- “Review compliance of budget actions directed by the General Assembly.
- “Monitor expenditures, deviations, and changes made by the agencies set out in subdivision (a)(1) of this section to the certified budget.
- “Review policy changes as directed by law.
- “Receive presentations of reports from agencies directed in the law, including audits, studies, and other reports.
- “Review any issues that arise during the interim period between sessions of the General Assembly and provide a venue for any of these issues to be heard in a public setting.
- “Monitor the quality of services provided by general government agencies to other agencies and the public.
- “Identify opportunities for general government agencies to coordinate and collaborate to eliminate duplicative functions.
- “Have presentations and reports on any other matters that the Committee considers necessary to fulfill its mandate.
“(b) The Committee may make reports to the General Assembly. A report to the General Assembly may contain legislation needed to implement a recommendation of the Committee” (NC Gen Stat § 120-306 (2021)).
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services shall examine, on a continuing basis, the systemwide issues affecting the development, budgeting, financing, administration, and delivery of health and human services, including issues relating to the governance, accountability, and quality of health and human services delivered to individuals and families in this State. The Committee shall make ongoing recommendations to the General Assembly on ways to improve the quality and delivery of services and to maintain a high level of effectiveness and efficiency in system administration at the State and local levels. In conducting its examination, the Committee shall do all of the following:
- “Study the budgets, programs, and policies of each Division within the Department of Health and Human Services, to determine ways in which the General Assembly may encourage improvement in the budgeting and delivery of health and human services provided to North Carolinians;
- “Examine, in particular, issues relating to services provided by the following Divisions within the Department of Health and Human Services:
- “a. Aging and Adult Services.
- “b. Repealed by Session Laws 2015-245, s. 16, effective September 23, 2015.
- “c. Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services.
- “d. Public Health.
- “e. Social Services;
- “a. Aging and Adult Services.
- “Study other states’ health and human services initiatives, in order to provide an ongoing commentary to the General Assembly on these initiatives and to make recommendations for implementing similar initiatives in North Carolina; and
- “Study any other health and human services matters that the Committee considers necessary to fulfill its mandate.
“(b) The Committee may make interim reports to the General Assembly on matters for which it may report to a regular session of the General Assembly. A report to the General Assembly may contain any legislation needed to implement a recommendation of the Committee” (NC Gen Stat § 120-208.1 (2021)).
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology may:
- “Evaluate the current technological infrastructure of State government and information systems use and needs in State government and determine potential demands for additional information staff, equipment, software, data communications, and consulting services in State government during the next 10 years. The evaluation may include an assessment of ways technological infrastructure and information systems use may be leveraged to improve State efficiency and services to the citizens of the State, including an enterprise-wide infrastructure and data architecture.
- “Evaluate information technology governance, policy, and management practices, including policies and practices related to personnel and acquisition issues, on both a statewide and project level.
- “Study, evaluate, and recommend changes to the North Carolina General Statutes relating to electronic commerce.
- “Study, evaluate, and recommend action regarding reports received by the Committee.
- “Study, evaluate, and recommend any changes proposed for future development of the information highway system of the State.
“(b) The Committee may consult with the State Chief Information Officer on statewide technology strategies and initiatives and review all legislative proposals and other recommendations of the State Chief Information Officer.
“(c) The Committee shall submit annual reports to the General Assembly on or before the convening of the regular session of the General Assembly each year. The Committee may submit interim reports at any time it deems appropriate” (NC Gen Stat § 120-231 (2021)).
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Justice and Public Safety #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Justice and Public Safety shall examine, on a continuing basis, the correctional, law enforcement, and juvenile justice systems in North Carolina, in order to make ongoing recommendations to the General Assembly on ways to improve those systems and to assist those systems in realizing their objectives of protecting the public and of punishing and rehabilitating offenders. In this examination, the Committee shall:
- “Study the budget, programs, and policies of the Department of Public Safety to determine ways in which the General Assembly may improve the effectiveness of the Department.
- “Examine the effectiveness of the Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice of the Department of Public Safety in implementing the public policy stated in G.S. 148-26 of providing work assignments and employment for inmates as a means of reducing the cost of maintaining the inmate population while enabling inmates to acquire or retain skills and work habits needed to secure honest employment after their release.
- “(2a) Examine the effectiveness of the Department of Public Safety in implementing the duties and responsibilities charged to the Department in G.S. 143B-601(1) through (9) and the overall effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement in the State.
- “(2b) Examine the effectiveness of the Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice of the Department of Public Safety in implementing the duties and responsibilities charged to the Division in Part 3 of Article 13 of Chapter 143B of the General Statutes and the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the juvenile justice system in the State.
- “(2a) Examine the effectiveness of the Department of Public Safety in implementing the duties and responsibilities charged to the Department in G.S. 143B-601(1) through (9) and the overall effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement in the State.
- “(3) Recodified as subdivision (a)(13) by Session Laws 2011-291, s. 1.4(c), effective June 24, 2011.
- “(3a) Study and evaluate the funding sources and needs of domestic violence programs providing services to domestic violence victims and programs providing treatment to domestic violence abusers.
- “(3a) Study and evaluate the funding sources and needs of domestic violence programs providing services to domestic violence victims and programs providing treatment to domestic violence abusers.
- “Study legal services funding for domestic violence victims and explore additional sources of funding.
- “Explore sources of additional funding for all domestic violence programs, including visitation centers.
- “Examine current programs and explore new programs to provide effective services to domestic violence victims and treatment to domestic violence abusers.
- “Examine law enforcement and judicial responses to domestic violence.
- “Review data collected on domestic violence cases pursuant to G.S. 15A-1382.1.
- “Study the effectiveness of the Crime Victims Rights Act as it relates to domestic violence.
- “Study the needs of juveniles. This study may include, but is not limited to:
- “a. Determining the adequacy and appropriateness of services:
- “1. To children and youth receiving child welfare services;
- “2. To children and youth in the juvenile court system;
- “3. Provided by the Division of Social Services of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice of the Department of Public Safety;
- “4. To children and youth served by the Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services system.
- “1. To children and youth receiving child welfare services;
- “b. Developing methods for identifying and providing services to children and youth not receiving but in need of child welfare services, children and youth at risk of entering the juvenile court system, and children and youth exposed to domestic violence situations.
- “c. Identifying obstacles to ensuring that children who are in secure or nonsecure custody are placed in safe and permanent homes within a reasonable period of time and recommending strategies for overcoming those obstacles. The Commission shall consider what, if anything, can be done to expedite the adjudication and appeal of abuse and neglect charges against parents so that decisions may be made about the safe and permanent placement of their children as quickly as possible.
- “a. Determining the adequacy and appropriateness of services:
- “Evaluate problems associated with juveniles who are beyond the disciplinary control of their parents, including juveniles who are runaways, and develop solutions for addressing the problems of those juveniles.
- “Identify strategies for the development and funding of a comprehensive statewide database relating to children and youth to facilitate State agency planning for delivery of services to children and youth.
- “Study any other matter that the Committee considers necessary.
“(b) The Committee may make interim reports to the General Assembly on matters for which it may report to a regular session of the General Assembly. A report to the General Assembly may contain any legislation needed to implement a recommendation of the Committee” (NC Gen Stat § 120-70.94 (2021)).
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Medicaid and NC Health Choice #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Medicaid and NC Health Choice shall examine budgeting, financing, administrative, and operational issues related to the Medicaid and NC Health Choice programs administered by the Department of Health and Human Services.
“(b) The Committee may make periodic reports, including recommendations, to a regular session of the General Assembly on issues related to Medicaid and NC Health Choice programs” (NC Gen Stat § 120-209.1 (2021)).
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on the North Carolina State Lottery #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on the North Carolina State Lottery shall examine, on a continuing basis, the operations of the North Carolina State Lottery. The Committee shall make ongoing recommendations to the General Assembly on ways to improve the operations and success of the lottery. The Committee shall do all of the following in conducting its examination of the North Carolina State Lottery:
- “Examine the administration, budgeting, and policies of the lottery.
- “Assess the lottery’s efficiency and effectiveness.
- “Review other state lottery policies and procedures to identify improvements and options for maximizing the transfer of lottery funds to the Education Lottery Fund.
- “Study any other matters that the Committee considers necessary to fulfill its mandate” (NC Gen Stat § 120-296 (2021)).
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Transportation #
Website #
Membership, bills, and documents available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) The Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee may:
- “Review r